
New Toilet and Shower Facilities

Not long now until we receive our new facilities at the park for all the touring customers. Thank you to Secure Stores for overseeing the build and Universal Containers for …


You will all be aware of the proposed removal of the legal requirement to adhere to Covid restrictions from 19th July 2021. It is really important to all of us …

We’re good to go!

We are relieved and delighted to be able to let you all know that we are re-opening Peewit Caravan Park, finally, on 04 July 2020. We will of course be …

Digital Revolution

Happy weekend to you all! Not that the weekends are wildly different to a weekday for most of us at the moment. The sun continues to shine on Peewit, and …

Message in a (digital) bottle

The sun is shining, the birds are singing; the aviary occupants putting up some good competition for their wild counterparts, and all 210 ish caravans are sitting patiently, surrounded by …


Peewit Caravan Park – Covid-19 – Closure – 22nd March 2020 As you’re aware the Covid-19 situation is changing at such a rate and as a business, we have an …