The sun is shining, the birds are singing; the aviary occupants putting up some good competition for their wild counterparts, and all 210 ish caravans are sitting patiently, surrounded by spring flowers and with balconies beckoning, in anticipation of the summer season and the return of their families.
However, the streets are quiet, the roads hosting a level of traffic comparable only to Christmas Day, and all of our staff, customers, contractors and friends are keeping to their homes. It really is a very strange time.
So! we thought. What can we do? we thought. And we concluded that with the inability for you to come to us, we should come to you, by sharing spring at Peewit with you via the wonders of the internet, to help you endure these weeks of obligatory detention.
So do come back again for some rare behind the scenes action shots, reflections of the self-isolating crew on site (Terry, Pat, Christopher and Chev; Andrew and Liz having been banned from site by Boris), and for updates and pictures from around the Park.
Here is a Suffolk evening sky over those rather iconic cranes to close the inaugural blog post. Until next time!